Parish Pastoral Council


The Parish Pastoral Council 
Required by the Archdiocese:

  • The Parish Pastoral Council is the primary visioning body of the church.
  • It is a primary consultative body to the pastor and works directly with him.
  • It assists the pastor in determining the overall mission of the parish to spread the Gospel. 
  • It solicits the wisdom of the parish community on pastoral matters.
  • It provides focus and form to a pastoral vision and resultant planning.
  • It communicates the pastoral vision to the parish at large.
  • It communicates the pastoral vision to the commissions for implementation.

Fr. Wayne Ureel
Frank Seymour - Chair
Mary Pat Chynoweth - Vice Chair
Karen Law
Kathy Oleski
Claudia Seymour
Brent White
Claire Ziobro

Non-Voting Members:
Paula Shaheen - Master Plan
Wendy Kolbusz - Recording Secretary

The Parish Council meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00pm.
The anticipated PPC dates for 2022 are:


Church of the Holy Spirit Master Plan